The purpose of the Doral Red Rock Elementary PTSO is to support the education and welfare of ALL students in our elementary school by fostering relationships between parents, teachers, students, and school administration. The PTSO is not affiliated with any state or national organization, so EVERY dollar received is used to benefit Doral Red Rock Elementary.
The number-one reason to join and participate with the PTSO is to benefit your child. In doing so, you also help your school. Research shows that students do better when their families are involved at home and school. Grades are higher, self-esteem grows, and schools improve. Being active in the PTSO is also a fantastic way to get to know teachers, staff, and other parents.
2024/2025 Board Contacts
CONTACT US: contact@ptsodoralredrock.org
President: Juley Zizi
Vice President: Stephanie Caswell
Treasurer: Adam Smith
Recording Secretary: Yvonne Brand
Communications Secretary: Roni Gulbeyan
Room Parent Coordinator: Jennifer Broderdorf
Volunteer Coordinator: Natasha Jurebie